Financial and Retirement Planning
A happy senior woman crouching and a horse grazing by a stable.

Nearing Retirement

Nearing Retirement

AGE: 56

PROFESSION: Project Manager


Consolidate investment accounts, reduce taxes, create a reliable retirement income stream.

After accumulating wealth working for 7 different companies, Elizabeth was ready to think about retirement.

She currently holds a variety of investment accounts, including 401ks from her employers, an ESPP, a few brokerage accounts, and a couple of life insurance policies.

She has three grown children, one still in college and one recently married. Elizabeth lives modestly, owns her home, and wants to spend time travelling and with family in retirement.


Elizabeth wasn’t sure she had enough to retire and would like to leave a legacy for her kids and future grandkids.

She wanted a plan that would allow her to feel confident knowing she was prepared to meet these goals.

Elizabeth had plenty of questions:

How do I consolidate my retirement funds?

Where should my money be invested?

How do I make sure I won’t run out of money?

Do I have enough money to pay for healthcare, especially if I retire before 65?

When can I stop working?



The first step for Elizabeth was to sit down with someone who would actually listen to her questions and concerns. She didn’t want to be talked at.

We asked Elizabeth several questions to find out how she wanted her retirement to look like and uncover her greatest concerns.

Once her goals were clearly defined, we were able to create a personalized retirement plan that supported her priorities and addressed her concerns.


With her new plan in place, Elizabeth was able to:

Optimize her savings during her remaining working years

Identify which assets to use to fund the first few years of retirement before Medicare and Social Security begin

Reduce overall taxes and eliminate Medicare premium adjustments through Roth conversion strategies prior to 65

Establish a retirement timeline that included how best to allocate her assets to generate a stable monthly income in retirement

Establish a game plan to address Elizabeth’s care at home or in a senior facility if she needs custodial care later in life

With a plan in place, Elizabeth is able to feel confident during her remaining working years.

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